420: The Key to the Secrets of the Universe

[The house where I grew up. Owego, NY.]

In 1971, five students of San Rafael High School (CA) decided that they would smoke cannabis next to a statue of Louis Pasteur. They chose to wait until all the after-school activities were finished. It was 4:20 in the afternoon (PDT). The date? Why, April 20, of course. While they smoked, they would lean against a wall. They were dubbed The Waldos. When I made this astounding discovery, I assumed I had stumbled on something big…really big. I knew something the vast majority of people had no clue about. (In reality, I was almost the last person on the planet that did not know the hidden significance of 420.) It’s now an international day to light up. This was blog-worthy. This needed to be revealed to the general public. I would have to be careful, because this kind of knowledge had the potential of causing wide-spread mayhem, social disorder and was downright dangerous. Much like the Trump Years would be decades later.

The rest is history, or so I’m told.

Over the years, the significance of the number 420 would evolve. Well, now it’s up to me to help you through the sometimes contradictory maze of esoteric meanings (Numerology) of this unique number. I have never let my readers down and this post will prove that I’m still in full command of arcane knowledge of all sorts. All of what I’m about to reveal to you is important, vital and meaningful. If anyone thinks that I’ve bent the facts, stretched the truth, ignored opposing views, used only the things that support my point or that I’m beginning to show my age, then I challenge you to unplug your iPad and Google these things. It’s all there. Trust me.

I dug deep into the bowels of Google.com to find the following facts. Whatever dark things you see in these facts, know it isn’t just me. So don’t blame the messenger. Following me now as I lead you into a brave new world of interesting and ominous information.

–Look at the lead photo of this post. Do you see the address of the house where I grew up?

–Bob Dylan’s Rainy Day Woman 12 & 35. 12 times 35 = 420.

–Hitler’s birthday is April, 20.

–420 High Street is the address of the cannabis store in Palisades Park, NJ.

Now, if you’ve stayed with me this long, then allow me to move slightly to the side and take a step into some new territory, still keeping the general theme in laser focus.

In 1979, Douglas Adams published The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. In it, the protagonist asks a super computer named Deep Thought to come up with answer to the ultimate question: What is the truth about the meaning of existence. The computer took 7.5 million years to finally spit out the answer: 42. That’s the true and final word. 42

It didn’t take me long to find the opening to the Rabbit Hole and go down into it, head first. Here’s what I found:

–42 is the Atomic Number of Molybdenum. Which happens to be the 42nd most common element on earth.

–There are 42 Laws in the game of Cricket.

–There are 42 generations in the Genealogy of Jesus.

–In the End Times, according to the Bible, the Beast will reign over the earth for 42 months.

–There are 42 lines per page in the Gutenberg Bible.

–In Chinese, the number 4 is shi. In Japanese, the number 2 is ni. Together the word is shini, which means to die.

–In Sing a Song of Sixpence, there are 4 and 20 blackbirds baked in a pie.

So, that’s all I’ve had the energy to research. I’m sure you will buy into this. It’s all backed by rock-solid logic and facts! How can you argue?

Well, you might say, it’s all a coincidence. To that, I would say: Trust me and have some imagination.

And never let the facts get in the way of a good story.

[I’m not sure what Elon has to do with any of this, but I found this article in a newspaper. So it must be true.]

{Note: all photos are mine. The numerous facts were found using Google.}